Big Sky Builders and General Contractors. Baker Creek builds custom log homes and timberframe homes in Big Sky, Montana.
Baker Creek Log Homes Construction in Big Sky, Montana
Big Sky Builders

Quality Control and Proven Relationships

We use our own people to do all of a project’s structural work. This allows us to maintain our rigorous quality control. For the mechanical, electrical and ancillary trades, we only use proven, local subcontractors with whom we have long-standing relationships. Finally, our own people complete all of the home's finish work, ensuring adherence to our strict standards.

Construction in Big Sky

Hands-On Builders
We are hands-on builders, not merely construction managers. And our professionalism coupled with our staff's extensive knowledge and experience guarantees the successful completion of our projects.

Construction in Big Sky


Speculative Residence, Lot 178
Yellowstone Club

Big Sky, Montana



© 2006 Baker Creek Log Homes
3010 Linney Road • Bozeman, MT 59718 • 406.580.6068